Replica Goyard Anjou MM Goyardine Canvas & Chevroches Brown Calf Leather Trim Mini Black Pouch Reversible Tote Bag USA
This replica Goyard tote bag has been loved by many fans as soon as it was released. Meanwhile, Goyard Anjou Reversible Handbag MM Following the popular St.Louis handbag, the Goyard brand has launched its latest reversible handbag called the Goyard Anjou Handbag. Herringbone-print coated canvas with leather-trimmed handles showcases exquisite craftsmanship, paired with double-rolled leather handles and silver-tone hardware canvas lining for a modern, classic look.
Availability: In stock
Color | White |
Handbag Exterior | Tote bag in white canvas with chevron pattern stripes and two top handles and one detachable black zip pouch |
Gender | Women's |
Material | Cavans & Leather |
Style | British Style |
Handbag Closure | Open top |
Handbag Dimension | W35XH26XD14(cm) |
Handbag Interior | One compartment |
Handbag Size | Medium |
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